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杨明武教授、硕士生导师,1958年生,1982合肥工业大学应用物理系本科毕业,1988.9中国科学院安徽光机所硕士毕业,1988.9 --- 1997.6 合肥工业大学激光研究所从事教学与研究工作,1997.6 -- 2000.7 赴香港理工大学电子与资讯工程系,从事计算电磁学领域合作研究工作,2000.8 回合肥工业大学理学院工作,目前为合肥工业大学电子科学与应用物理学院教授、电子科学与技术系主任。
杨明武教授在计算电磁学及其应用方面有着完整、系统的积累和特色。开发过两个FDTD相关的模拟软件包,一个为“FDTD MAXWELL SOLVOR”,另一个位与之配套的网格自动生成器"AUTOMESH"。在计算电磁学的三个方面:“建模”、“模拟算法”、“算法应用”方面,有系统的重要研究:
1、以第一作者,开发了FDTD网格自动生成器AUTOMESH作为Feature Article 发表于1999 IEEE Antennas & Propagations Mag. 封面,并为十多个国家20多位学者所使用。(---建模方面---)
2、以第一作者,从事了“FDTD时域有限差分法”、“FVTD时域有限体积法”、“MRTD时域多分辨率算法” 及“FDTD/FVTD综合算法”的研究,并发表于IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Tech. June 2000. 等IEEE汇刊和论文集(---算法方面---)
3、以第一作者,从事了手机双频内置PIFA天线等多个天线的计算机辅助设计与FDTD模拟研究。并发表于IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagations. June 2001、IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagations等IEEE、IEE汇刊和论文集(---应用方面---)
主持:双频宽带微带天线及其计算电磁学模拟研究, 教育部科研重点项目
主持:新颖手机内置双频PIFA天线的计算机模拟研究, 省自然基金
主持:占空比的探测与数据系统开发, 企业委托项目
[1] Mingwu Yang and Y. Chen, “AutoMesh: an automatically adjustable, non-uniform orthogonal FDTD mesh generator,” IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, April 1999, vol.41, No.2, pp13-19. (SCI收录)
[2] Mingwu Yang, Y. Chen, and R. Mittra, “Hybrid Finite-Difference/ Finite-Volume Time-Domain Analysis for Microwave Integrated Circuits with Curved PEC Surfaces Using a Nonuniform Rectangular Grid,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., June 2000, Vol.48, No.6, pp.969-975. (SCI收录)
[3] Mingwu Yang, Q. Cao, and Y. Chen, “A Systematic and Memory-Saving Scaling Function Based Multiresolution Scheme,” 2000 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Vol.2, pp.761-764.(EI, ISTP收录)
[4] Mingwu Yang and Y. Chen, “A novel U-shaped planar microstrip antenna for dual-frequency mobile telephone communications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol. 49, No.6, pp.1002 -1004, June 2001. (SCI收录)
[5] M. Yang, Y. Chen, and B. Beker, “Dual Frequency U-Shaped Planar Microstrip Antenna for Mobile Telephone Communications,”Recent Research Development in Microwave Theory & Techniques (Annual Review Series), Vol. 2, 2002, Transworld Research Network.
[6] M. Yang, Y. Chen, R. Mittra, and Z. Gong, “U-shaped planar inverted-F microstrip antenna with a U-shaped slot inset for dual-frequency mobile communications,” IEE Proc.- Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation,Vol.150, No.04, pp.197-202, August 2003. (SCI收录)
[7] M. Tong, Mingwu Yang, Y. Chen and R.Mittra, “FDTD analysis of a stacked dual-frequency mincrostrip planar inverted-F antenna for mobile telephone handsets,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol.49, No.3, pp. 367 -376, Mar. 2001. (SCI收录)
[8] Y. Chen, Mingwu Yang, K. Sun, and R Mittra, “Application of the non-uniform FDTD algorithm on an auto-adjustable mesh to the analysis of scattering parameters of a sandwich-type coplanar waveguide with adjacent vias in PCBs,” International Journal of Electronics, Vol.89, No.10, pp.791-800, October 2002. (SCI收录)
[9] M. Tong, Mingwu Yang, Y. Chen, and R. Mittra, “Design and Analysis of a Stacked Dual-Frequency Microstrip Planar Inverted-F Antenna for Mobile Telephone Handsets Using The FDTD,” 2000 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Vol.1, pp. 270 -273, 2000. (EI, ISTP收录)
[10] Y. Zhu, Y. Chen, M. Yang, and Raj Mittra, “Automatic Image Generation (AIG) Technique for Efficient and Systematic Multiresolution Time Domain (MRTD) Analysis,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.40, No.5, pp.380-386, March 2004. (SCI收录)
[11] M. Tong, Mingwu Yang, and Y. Chen, “Design and Analysis of a Microstrip Fed Dual-Frequency Planar Printed Antenna,” Proceeding of Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM 2000), pp. 243-246, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, Jul. 2000.
[12] Q. Cao, Mingwu Yang, and Yinchao Chen, “Scaling and wavelet function based multiresolution time-domain scheme for electromagnetic wave applications,” 2000 IEEE International Symposium on AP-S and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting(B13.3) URSI-Vol., Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, July 16-21, 2000
[13] Mingwu Yang, Yinchao Chen and Paul Huray, “U-Shaped Planar Microstrip Antenna for Dual-Frequency Mobile Telephone Communications,”2002 IEEE AP-S/URSI conference.
[14] 周国祥,杨明武,“在直角坐标系下一种快速有效产生非均匀FDTD网格的算法”,微波学报, Vol.18, No.2, pp67-70, 2002年6月(226, 286, 339核心)
[15] Mingwu Yang, Y. Chen, and R. Mittra, "Analysis of MICs with curved surfaces using a hybrid FDTD-FVTD algorithm on an orthogonal rectangular grid," Proceedings of IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, (1998 IEEE AP-S/URSI), URSI-Vol., p.99, Atlanta, Georgia.
[16] Mingwu Yang, Y. Chen, and K. Sun, "S-parameters analysis of a sandwiched coplanar waveguide with adjacent vias in PCB’s using a non-uniform FDTD method with auto-adjustable meshes," Proceeding of 1998 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwaves (CJMW’98) , 1998, pp. 275-278,Beijing, China.
[17] MS Tong, YL Lu, YC Chen, MW Yang, QS Cao, V Krozer, and R Vahldieck, "Design and Analysis of Planar Printed Microwave and PBG Filters using an FDTD Method," Microelectronics Journal, Vol.35, No.9, pp777-781, Sept. 2004. (SCI收录)
[18] 周国祥,侯整风,郭骏,石雷,杨明武, “基于圆柱坐标非均均FDTD网格的图形可视化” 工程图学学报, Vol.25, No.4, pp67-71, 2004年12月(226核心)
[19] 周国祥,程萍,蒋建国, 杨明武,“直角坐标系下非均匀FDTD网格生成系统”,微波学报, Vol.21, No.2, pp56-59, 2005年4月(226, 286, 339核心)
[20] Guoxiang Zhou, .. Mingwu Yang, “Extended BOR-FDTD Analysis for Horn Antennas,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.14, No.4, pp. 735 -738,Oct. 2005.
[21] Ming-Sze TONG, .., Mingwu YANG and Ronan Sauleau, “Design and Analysis of on-Package Dual-Mode Band Pass Filters for Highly Integrated Wireless Transceivers,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.48, No.4, pp.756 -760, April 2006. (SCI收录)
[22] Ming-Sze Tong, Mingwu Yang, .., “Design and analysis of integrated-circuit package antenna (ICPA) for dual-band wireless transceivers,” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engineering Vol.16, No.3, pp.250-258, May 2006. (SCI收录)
[23] 王伟吉,周秀梅,杨明武,“用CFDTD与GPOF方法对U形双频天线进行全波分析”,辽宁大学学报,2005年10月。
[24] 王伟吉,周国祥,周秀梅,杨明武,“FDTD后时间步信号的外推与实现”,合肥工业大学学报2006年6月。(已录用)。
[25] 李响,杨明武,王伟吉,周秀梅 “时域有限差分电磁建模系统的研究与设计”,信息与电子工程,2005年12月。
[26] 李南,杨明武,王凯,陈跃飞 “无线收发器双频ICPA的FDTD分析”,信息与电子工程,Vol.4, No.6, pp385-389, 2006年10月。
[27] 王凯,李楠,杨明武, “基于FDTD算法的环状蝶式双模滤波器”,合肥工业大学学报, Vol.30, No.7, pp908-911, 2007年7月。
[28] 陈跃飞,李楠,李响,杨明武“FDTD模拟软件电磁建模模块的研究和实现”,现代电子技术,No.250, pp24-26, 2007年11月。
[29] 孙凌,杨明武“定宽截断式并行乘法器的实现研究” 中国集成电路No.103(总),pp.67-70,2007年12月
[30] 阎力飞,杨明武 “用于RFID的平面倒F天线的FDTD设计分析”,电子科技,Vol.21, No.3, pp30-33, 2008年3月。
[31] 王坚良,杨明武 “基于OpenGL和FDTD的电磁建模三维可视化实现”,电子科技, No.12, pp4-7, 2007年12月。
[32] 邓勇,宣晓峰,许高斌,杨明武“基于TCAD软件的单层多晶EEPROM器件模拟分析”,半导体技术”, Vol.33,No.1,pp.15-18,2008年1月
[33] Jianbo Mao, Mingwu Yang , Huaguo Liang, Jinxian Liu, Meng Zhang “Characteristics and Optimal Miter of Microstrip Bend via theFinite Difference Time Domain Method” The Third IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications. (已录用, Ei 收录)
[34] Jianbo Mao, Yingshen Xu, Rui Zhang, Mingwu Yang, and Jinxian Liu, “Analysis of Microstrip Discontinuities and Their Compensation via the Finite Difference Time Domain Method,” International Conference on Microwave Technology & Computational Electromagnetics 2009. (已录用, Ei 收录)
[35] Jianbo Mao, Xiaofeng Xuan, Mingwu Yang, Jinxian Liu, and Meng Zhang,“Dispersive Characteristics of Planar Transmission Lines and Their Discontinuities at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies,” The 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves.(已录用,Ei 收录)
[36] Xiaofeng Xuan, Jianbo Mao, Mingwu Yang , Wanshun Jiang, Jinxian Liu, “Effective Optimization of Microstrip Transformer Using FDTD Simulation and Cascade Connection of Scattering Matrices”, The Third IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications (已录用,Ei 收录)
[37] Yinsheng Xu, Jinbo Mao, Mingwu Yang, Xiaofeng Xuan, Jinxian Liu, “Design and Optimization of Microstrip-to-CPW Right-angled Transition Using Finite Difference Time Domain Method” The Third IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications. (已录用, Ei 收录)
[38] 毛剑波,杨明武,梁华国,姜万顺,刘金现,张猛. 三维FDTD建模软件的开发及应用, 《微波学报》(已录用, Ei 收录)